Number  00610

Scan Date  6/13/02

Time Period   1942

Subject Matter  Camp Sutton   World War II

Location  Monroe, North Carolina

Description    "Pay Day"

Maj. Hellmuth Ritter, camp finance officer (left with large bag); Staff Sergeant Irving W. Strewli (right with bag); Guard at far right:  Corporal John T. Nutter

Photographer (if known) Kathryn Shute Pearson

Notes  Taken at corner of Franklin and Hayne (at the Bank of Union building which at that time was the American Bank - see historic courthouse in background left and old jail/city hall background right)

-The Charlotte Observer, December 12, 1942, ran a similar photo taken inside the bank by Pearson on page 12

Description and Notes updated 10/15/2010 -pmp

Measurements of original photograph

Height  5"

Width  7"

Type of photograph  Black and White