Number    01248

Scan Date  8/12/02

Time Period  April 1889

Subject Matter    Wolfe Family Files

Location      Home of W. C. Wolfe, Union County, North Carolina

Description  (written in 1956 - see below in Notes)

"Fancy Dress Party"


Back Row:  Walter P. Andrews (taught one year in Monroe high school, afterwards a prominent lawyer in Atlanta); Frank Armfield (attorney in Concord); Edd Austin (married Miss Jennie Ogburn on April 30, 1889 - Miss Jennie was invited to the party but would not go on account of her marriage the next week); Henry Winchester (with Belk Bros. a long time); [unknown male]; Florence Houston (married Will Phifer of Gainesville, Fla); Walter Wallis (chief clerk at Belk's Monroe store for several years); Lee Williamson (cotton buyer); Nina Adams (later Mrs. W. C. Houston); Minnie Williamson (later Mrs. Stafford Wolfe).


Second Row:  Lilly Austin (later Mrs. Walter Lane); Minta Redfern (later Mrs. Eugene McLarty); Mattie Ogburn (for several years at Belk's); Leila Graham (daughter of Dr. Graham and sister of Will Graham, and a twin).


Front Row:  Hugh Wilson (married Miss Lizzie Campbell, music teacher at Monroe high school); Lula Graham (the other twin; this family later moved to Charlotte); Bessie Ogburn (later Mrs. Sandy Morrison); and Sandy Morrison, jeweler.


Photographer (if known)

Notes Information for description comes from reproduced photo published in "The Monroe Journal" on June 13, 1956, page 8.   The article, retyped here as is except for the addition of [unknown male], notes that the original negative belonged to Mr. Fred L. Wolfe who provided the details for the photo.  Mr. Wolfe also further explained how customs had changed, as well as styles, that at this time it was not polite for a young lady, soon to be married, to attend social functions (in reference to Miss Jennie Ogburn).

Time Period, Location, Description & Notes revised 9/23/2011 -pmp

Measurements of original photograph

Height   8"

Width  10"

Type of photograph   Black and White